How to use the Explore the story feature
The Explore the story feature, present in previous editions, has undergone enhancements with accessibility at the forefront. Improvements have been made to the navigation, sign-posting and overall usability to facilitate student engagement and support. The interactive Latin stories can be used by students for independent or paired reading sessions, while teachers have the option to project the stories to the whole class.
The interactive Latin stories allow you to:
- See translations for each Latin word
- Test your knowledge of words selected through mini quiz
- Listen to an audio recording of the story (To come. There will be audio for all stories.)
- See derivations for words
- Answer comprehension questions for some stories.
You can see in the bottom section of the screen an area with the selected Latin word and the English translation.
You can select the Derive tab at the top of the screen which allows you to then click on a word and see translations and different derivations.
Test vocabulary
Each word selected is added to a bank as questions. You can then take a quiz to test your knowledge of those vocabulary words. The test is non-reportable and practice focused
Think questions
You can select the Think tab at the top of the screen which allows you to answer comprehension style questions about the story. The questions are non-reportable and practice focused.
Launching Explore the story feature
Icons for the feature appear next to each story and can be used to launch the interactive stories.
Explore the story feature
Alternatively, you can browse and launch from the Media tab in the side menu.