Cambridge GO allows you to trial products to evaluate them on behalf of your school. Only teachers can trial products.
The trial content will be added to your account for a short period, usually 30 days.
You will be able to preview all content and functionality of the products so that you build an accurate picture of the product although many of our teacher resources offer downloadable files which are excluded from trials.
Setting up a trial
1. First log into your Cambridge GO account. If you haven’t registered a Teacher account yet, please consult: Setting up your account
2. Click on the ‘+ Add new resources’ button on the right of the screen.
3. Select ‘Find and trial resources’:
4. You can search for available trials using keywords, and then filter your search by Subject, Curriculum and/or Stage/Year.
Before adding the TRIAL to your account, you will be shown the different components that you will be able to access. These components may be sold separately but are included to give you a complete view of the series.
5. Click on ‘Activate Trial’ to add the content to your Resources screen. You may be asked some details about your products and/or school. Once provided you will find the TRIAL on your dashboard:
When opening the resource, you can see how long is left in your trial by looking at the expiry dates on the tabs.
During your trial you will receive emails from Cambridge. You can opt out of these at any time. You may also be contacted by a Cambridge representative.
What to do at the end of your trial
When your trial expires, you will no longer be able to access the content. You will be able to add the content to another trial in the way we describe above.
You will be able to purchase products you have trialed online at by contacting our Education Customer Service team at, or with your local sales consultant (whose contact information you can find here).
If you have questions, you can get in touch with us by using our Contact Us form.