When you request a school account, it can take up 3 working days to process your request. We may need to get in touch with your school administration office during this process to verify certain details.
If a request is refused, it is usually because of one of three reasons:
- Most commonly, we have discovered your school has already been registered in Cambridge GO. We are keen to avoid creating duplicate schools, as this can cause confusion. If your school is already registered, your next step is to speak with your school's GO admin and ask to send a school joining code.
- Insufficient or inaccurate information. Our team checks every request, and as we hope to keep our data as clean and reliable as possible, we will reject requests that seem incomplete or inaccurate. For example, the school's website address does not match your email address, or the contact number given does not match the contact details on the school website. If your school has been rejected for this reason, please resubmit the forms with more accurate data.
- There may be sanctions in place which prevent us from processing your request.
Please Contact Us if you feel we have rejected your request in error.