How does Cambridge GO help teachers?
Cambridge GO provides a single access point to all our content and expertise to save you time looking for the right resources.
Can I download my resources from Cambridge GO?
For now, GO is hosting supporting resources for our books. You are welcome to download and keep this content if you wish. In future we’ll be adding paid-for digital resources to Cambridge GO; depending on the type of resource you may not be able to download everything.
Can I share a Cambridge GO screen?
Yes. Please see our help article on sharing screens.
Will students be able to access resources in Cambridge GO?
Yes, students are able to access materials that are not categorised as teacher-only.
Why are some of my resources in Cambridge GO and some in Cambridge Elevate?
We are in the process of migrating our digital resources to Cambridge GO, the first step is adding our teacher’s resources that are available, and we will migrate learner’s books and workbooks within the next few months. During this time, your teacher’s resource will be delivered via Cambridge GO and your learner’s resources via Cambridge Elevate – you can find full details of how to access your resources on the inside front cover of your print resource or within your access card or email (for digital only products).
Can Cambridge GO be accessed in China or Russia?
Yes, barring any new or unprecedented issues relating to state or data regulatory frameworks. We work hard to maintain access globally.
Can I get to Cambridge GO from an app on my tablet or mobile?
No, but if you have a web connection you can browse Cambridge GO through your mobile.
Which browsers and devices are compatible with Cambridge GO?
Cambridge GO supports all the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
If you use Edge or IE you will need to use another browser.
Can I buy resources through Cambridge GO?
No, you won’t be able to buy resources through GO, you should continue to do this via our website or your sales consultant.
Why do I have to register to access free content in Cambridge GO?
This will help us make sure you have access to your free and paid-for digital resources in one place. We use information about our registered users to provide you with the best experience and protect our intellectual property from misuse. We do not use your information without your consent and you will be able to opt in to any contact we have with you.
How can my school unblock emails and domains required for my Cambridge digital resources?
I’m looking for resources for Cambridge School Shakespeare, Black Flag or the Cambridge IGCSETM Computing MOOC – will I find these on GO?
No, you’ll still be able to access these resources in the usual way.
I registered as a student/teacher by mistake. How can I change this?
If you are part of a Cambridge GO school, please contact your school’s Admin as they should be able to help you with changing your role. Further information on the process for school admins can be found here > link to Changing user roles page.
Alternatively, if you do not belong to a school in Cambridge GO, please contact us and we will be able to change your account type.